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What to Do If Your Home Was Destroyed in the North Bay Fires

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Did the North Bay Fires destroy your home? You’re not alone. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. With help from the North Bay Fires Consortium, you can get the financial and other help you need to put the pieces back together after fire-related property loss. The Consortium can serve as advocates for fire victims, and offer valuable information about available resources within the community. Here’s what to do if the fires destroyed your home.

Stay Calm and Contact Your Insurance Company

Put your own health and safety first. Get someplace safe, such as friend or family member’s home, or check with a local disaster relief agency for a place to stay. If you know the fire has destroyed your home, contact your homeowners insurance company and report the loss. You’ll need to begin a claim as soon as possible to address immediate needs such as daily expenses. Keep a detailed record of your dealings with the insurance company. Save all receipts on purchases while you’re away from home.

Use Your Available Resources for Help

In light of the recent devastating fires, an abundance of helpful information for victims has surfaced on the web. There are several organizations willing to aid victims by way of advice, guidelines, and help lines. Here are three resources you may find useful during this difficult time:

  • United Policyholders,  A Bay-Area based national consumer non-profit providing insurance guidance and long-term recovery services to North Bay wildfire survivors.  Their online library contains tips from previous fire survivors and experts in construction and insurance law for getting a fair settlement from your insurance company on a total or partial loss.
  • California Department of Insurance. The California Insurance Commission is working hard to keep citizens updated on the latest news relating to fire insurance claims. There is a consumer hotline and an online complaint center available for claimants in need of help filing reports for destroyed homes
  • FEMA’s “After the Fire! Returning to Normal” The Federal Emergency Management Agency put together a guidebook for people just coming out of fire disasters. The guide can help you keep track of your damages and the facts of your claim. It can also give you an idea of what to expect in the aftermath of a fire.

Above all, come to the Wine Country Wildfire Consortium for help after a Northern California wildfire. Those with burn injuries, property damage or loss, or loved ones lost in the Wine Country fires can find reliable legal counsel and representation with the Consortium.

Contact the North Bay Fires Consortium

Even if you are insured, almost no one has enough insurance coverage to fully replace your home after a total loss in a wildfire.  Our wildfire attorneys can hold negligent parties accountable to fill in the gaps in coverage and secure compensation for those affected by the wildfires. Don’t pay for the negligence of companies like PG&E, get the legal representation you need.

Our consortium can provide that representation in a way the few – if any – law firms can. Five local law firms have banded together to create a comprehensive resource for fire victims. The Consortium is an impressive pooling of legal resources and experience. The lawyers within the Consortium have garnered hundreds of millions of dollars for fire victims over the years. You won’t find such a wealth of information or assistance at any other law firm. The Consortium can guide you through exactly what to do after losing your home in a fire, from containing the damage to settling an insurance claim. For any questions, concerns, insurance claim assistance, or information about a potential personal injury claim, give the Consortium a call.

How Can We Help You?

If you have a legal matter you would like to discuss with an attorney from our firm, please call us at (310) 477-1700 or complete and submit the e-mail form below, and we will get back to you.

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