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San Bernardino Slip and Fall Accident Attorneys

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Slip and fall accidents are some of the most common reasons behind premises liability claims in California. According to the National Floor Safety Institute, slips and falls lead to more than 1 million emergency room visits each year. Slips on wet surfaces, greasy or waxy floors, ice, loose rugs, debris, and puddles in the parking lot could all result in serious injuries. If you suffered broken bones, a head or brain injury, a spine injury, or other damages in a slip and fall, contact our San Bernardino personal injury lawyers at Panish | Shea | Ravipudi LLP. We may be able to help you secure compensation for your medical costs, pain and suffering, and lost wages.

Use our free consultation offer to find out if you’re eligible for compensation today.

Who Is Liable for a Slip and Fall Accident?

San Bernardino slip and fall

California premises liability law holds property owners liable for slip, trip, and fall accidents under certain circumstances. If the owner knew or had reason to know that the fall hazard existed on the property yet did nothing to repair the issue and prevent an accident, he or she could be legally responsible for a guest’s slip and fall injuries. What a property owner “reasonably should have done” to prevent a fall will depend upon what a “reasonable and prudent” person would have done in the same situation.

Premises liability laws outline three main categories of property visitors, along with specific standards of care that property owners owe each type. Invitees have the highest esteem, requiring a property owner to check for unknown hazards, fix known ones, and post warning signs of any hidden dangers of the property. Licensees are a step lower – they receive the same treatment as invitees, minus the property owner having to search for unknown hazards. Trespassers do not come with any duties of care other than a duty not to intentionally harm the trespasser. A property must be safe for all child trespassers, however.

You might need an attorney to help you determine whether a landowner is guilty of negligence after you slip and fall on someone else’s property. You will need to identify whether you were an invitee, licensee, or trespasser on the land, as well as find out if the owner knew or should have known of the hazard before you entered the premises. You will then need to prove that the owner owed you a duty, breached this duty, and caused your slip and fall. Our legal team can assist you with every aspect of your San Bernardino premises liability claim.

How Can Hiring a Premises Liability Attorney Help?

Premises liability claims are notoriously difficult to prove in the California courts. Due to a high rate of false and fraudulent insurance claims, the courts tend to be wary of parties who allege that they suffered injuries on someone else’s property. Hiring an attorney can put this question to rest, making the courts listen to you and take your claim seriously.

Our team can collect your medical records, talk to eyewitnesses, re-create the incident, and hire experts to testify on your behalf. We can make the burden of proof much lighter on your shoulders. Don’t risk the outcome of your claim with inexperienced attorneys or through self-representation – especially if you’re dealing with painful, expensive, and long-lasting injuries. Your case deserves attention from skilled attorneys.

San Bernardino Premises Liability Lawyers – Free Consultations Offered!

The slip & fall injury team at Panish | Shea | Ravipudi LLP has a success rate that’s greater than 99%. We’ve fought and won more than $800 million in settlements and verdicts for our clients in the past five years alone. We have what it takes to investigate your slip and fall in San Bernardino for any signs and evidence of negligence. Then, we’ll file your claim with the correct county courts within California’s two-year deadline.


How Can We Help You?

If you have a legal matter you would like to discuss with an attorney from our firm, please call us at (310) 477-1700 or complete and submit the e-mail form below, and we will get back to you.

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